ネクライトーキー (Necry Talkie)


© ネクライトーキー. All rights reserved.


ネクライトーキー (Necry Talkie) formed in 2017, the members consist of: もっさ (Mossa) [Vocal and Guitar], 朝日廉 (Asahi Ren) [Guitar], 藤田彩 (Fujita Aya) [Bass], カズマ・タケイ(Kazuma Takei) [Drums], and 中村 郁香 (Nakamura Ikuka) [Keys]. Still independent, the band are starting to see success in Japan and at the time of writing have released an album with a few singles. As the band is still growing, we hope their success points them to our shores and they play a few shows here!


Necry Talkie’s sound can be described in one word, fun! Driving the songs with a bouncy rhythm and a melodic vocal, it has an infectious fun vibe. This is only enhanced by the experimental nature of the rest of the instruments, creating a variation in their sound. The guitars on some track go for a traditional pop rock riffs, on others an alternative edgy pattern. The keys more interestingly tend to be more melodic, but the sound varies from a traditional electronic keyboard or a more synth sound. Interestingly this either adds an extra drive to the track or supports the rhythm. Overall it pushes them to either a heavier punk sound or the more pop rock, but there is still the consistency across the tracks. It’s good to hear that so early on in their career they are giving themselves the room to develop their sound, and hopefully it is something they continue to do and refine.

All that’s left is the vocals, which have a more traditional kawaii J-Pop sound. Really, this is what gives off the main fun sound from the tone of the voice. It bounces of the rhythm and has a strong melody that makes the song stay in your head. For me personally, it is what brings it all together and keeps the consistency across the varied instrumentals. It just makes me think, if the studio version is this infectiously fun, live it will be a whole other level. I really hope I get to experience this some day, but it’s no wonder why this band have already to start to see success and continue to grow.

My Top 5 Hits


  1. こんがらがった!

  2. 明日にだって

  3. タイフー!

  4. オシャレ大作戦
  5. 許せ!服部


Only their album ONE, is available digitally here. Physical and other releases have to be imported.


  1. The truht is that this band is funny, their music is fantastic, they always put a smile on your face. Now I am a fan of Necry.


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